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Vibrant Black Bean Noodle Salad with Spicy Sprouted Almond Butter Sauce

Vibrant Black Bean Noodle Salad with Spicy Sprouted Almond Butter Sauce

Do you love noodles, but they don't exactly love you back? Well, don't fret because these days there are plenty of great grain-free alternatives made from protein-rich legumes like black beans, lentils, chickpeas, and soy, opening up a fresh new world whether you avoid gluten or grains for health reasons, or are simply an adventurous foodie who enjoys "going against the grain". 

This recipe uses black bean noodles, which have a nice earthy taste and bouncy, chewy texture despite having zero gluten. Not only are they rich in protein (a whopping 25 grams per serving!) but they are also loaded with gut-healthy fiber and have more iron than their wheat-based counterparts. They also make for quite the striking, dramatic dish when served with other colorful veggies like sweet potato, cilantro, and red bellow pepper-like in this recipe here. 

And since no noodle dish is complete without a tasty sauce to bring it to life, you'll also find here a quick and easy sprouted almond butter sauce made from Dastony Sprouted Almond Butter, toasted sesame oil, garlic, sriracha, and a touch of maple syrup. It's packed with flavor and spice and its creaminess and subtle sweetness help to perfectly flavor balance the black bean noodles, which can taste slightly bitter on their own. This recipe is customizable, so feel free to swap in/out your favorite veggies (butternut squash for sweet potato, remove the bell pepper, toss in some chopped celery or spinach, etc. Sky's the limit!)

Vibrant Black Bean Noodle with Spicy Sprouted Almond Butter Sauce

The Recipe
Vibrant Black Bean Noodle Salad with Spicy Sprouted Almond Butter Sauce 

Serves 2
Black Bean Noodle Salad
1/2 box of organic black bean noodles
1 small sweet potato - sliced and roasted, then cubed
1 small red bell pepper, or 1/2 large, chopped
2 stalks green onion, finely chopped
1/2 bunch fresh cilantro, chopped
Spicy Sprouted Almond Butter Sauce

1/2 cup sprouted almond butter
1/2 cup water
1 Tbs lime juice
3 tsp siracha or hot sauce  
1 tsp nama shoyu
1 tsp toasted sesame oil
1/2 tsp maple syrup
1/4 tsp salt, to taste
2 cloves garlic

Optional: a few pinches of chili flakes or cayenne to amp up the spice
Optional garnish: sesame seeds

1. Wash and slice your sweet potatoes into 1/3" rounds, and bake on an oiled baking sheet at 425 F for 40-45 mins, flipping them over about midway through. Set aside to cool once done.
2. Prep your noodles according to the directions on the package. 
3. Strain and rinse noodles, chop your remaining veggies, and mix everything together in a bowl. 
4. Blend dressing ingredients together until smooth.
5. Serve noodle salad with sauce and ENJOY!