Blood Orange Ginger Juice with Probiotics // An Allergy Defense Cocktail

Wondering why you always seem to feel under the weather when the season changes? The body naturally goes through cleansing cycles as the seasons shift, which can temporarily weaken our immunity and bring about some icky symptoms such as runny noses and/or sore throats. Winter to spring also brings about a surge of new pollen in the air - which, if you're an allergy-sufferer, doesn't feel as refreshing as it looks to say the least. 

Use the change of seasons as an opportunity to focus a little more on boosting that immune system on a daily basis. We highly recommend taking a daily dose of probiotics - either our Sunbiotics vanilla probiotics powder or Sunbiotics Vanilla Chewable formula, and upping the quantity of fluids that you're drinking as well to help flush toxins out.  If you're feelng especially inflammed try pairing your daily dose of probiotics with this ginger and blood orange elixir - as ginger is an incredible anti-inflammatory aid and blood orange is bursting with immune-boosting Vitamin C and bioflavonoids.


The Recipe

Blood Orange Ginger Juice with Probiotics

Serves 1 


4-5 blood oranges, peeled

1/2" fresh ginger root (or use 1 inch if you're not messing around)

1/3 tsp Sunbiotics vanilla probiotics with prebiotics powder

Optional: 1/2 small lemon or lime


Simply run the citrus and ginger through a juicer. You can mix in your Sunbiotics powder into the juice or simply take it separate and wash it down. Be well! 
