Have you noticed? Plant-based cuisine is enjoying a huge moment of glory right now, and the health of people, animals, and our very planet are benefitting...keep reading
Whether it's a Netflix and chill night with bae, a get together with friends, or a special celebration with family, no party is complete without a good onion dip...keep reading
Are you the type of person that could eat oatmeal every. single. day and never get sick of it? We mean, what's not to love? Oatmeal is delicious, filling, nutritious and warms the belly even when the weather outside is unrealistically cold...keep reading
Get ready for a little taste of chocolatey, minty-fresh bliss! Chocolate and peppermint, in our humble opinion, is just one of the best flavor combinations of all time...keep reading
Are you in love with the earthy, spicy sweetness of turmeric milk? Us too. We love the way it perfectly blends the sweet with the savory, not to mention all of the health benefits that go along with the ingredients...keep reading
Looking for the perfect fuss-free treat to whip up for Valentine's Day? This rich and sultry raw chocolate mousse is the perfect treat to enjoy with your lover, or with your own lovable self...keep reading
Spring may be just a few short weeks away, but that doesn't mean it's smoothie weather quite yet.Chilly late-winter mornings call for warm, nourishing breakfasts and this creamy coconut rice pudding...keep reading